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GATE Information

Is your student an outstanding artist, dancer, musician, creative writer, or leader?
Did you know? GATE Ability referrals can be written and submitted by teachers, parents, and students. Students can even refer themselves! If you are interested in referring a student based on creative, leadership or visual and performing arts abilities please contact Mrs. Deml.

Sample Site Referral Letter to Parents2018.docx
GATE fact sheet2018.docx
GATE fact sheet-Spanish (1)2018.docx

LCAP Survey

California’s 2013-14 Budget Act included landmark legislation that greatly simplifies the state’s school finance system.  This major change comes with state mandates for new accountability measures that include the development of a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) that requires parent and community input prior to adoption. District staff members are in the process of developing a comprehensive implementation plan that aims to provide a clear framework for EGUSD schools to follow. This plan would strive to connect resources to goals and accountability for performance expectations in a transparent and seamless process, and align with the new LCAP requirements.  The meaningful engagement of stakeholders in the LCAP process is a cornerstone of the legislation as well as a significant area of focus by advocacy groups across the state, and most importantly – it is a proven way of continuously improving educational services for kids and families. 
To this end, we are asking you to take a few minutes to complete the attached survey (Electronic or Hardcopy) by January 12, 2018.  Your input is critical to the creation of our site based LCAP plan which we use as a road map to determine how money and resources are applied to our students and programs here at JKMS. 
Thank you in advance for offering your honest feedback as we will use it to inform our programs and best practices here at Kerr for the benefit of our students and staff.
                                           Digital Citizenship

Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Vine. Are these terms you wish you were more familiar with? Are you concerned how these social media programs are being used (or misused) by children? Do you know basic Internet terminology such as flaming, phishing and grooming?
In response to the many parent requests for guidance and information in helping children make responsible choices on the Internet and with social media, the Elk Grove Unified School District has created a comprehensive digital citizenship website for hosting a wide range of digital citizenship resources.
EGUSD’s Digital Citizenship Initiative is an on-going project and commitment. As new technology applications and tools are created, the district’s Digital Citizenship Task Force expands the curriculum and staff trainings accordingly. In a visit to the website, you will be able to view many of the lessons and materials currently being used at elementary and secondary schools throughout the district.
The parent section of the new website includes parent tips, guides, videos and more. All resources support EGUSD’s four main digital citizenship themes: cyberbullying, digital footprint, protecting privacy and respecting intellectual property.
 Please plan to visit the website ( often, as digital citizenship is the fastest changing subject in education. Although every school in the district is already teaching digital citizenship, we recognize that it is imperative that parents be involved in important conversations surrounding digital citizenship issues beyond the school day.