Vision Statement
Joseph Kerr Middle School promotes an atmosphere of educational excellence by providing a safe, nurturing environment where students are inspired to become responsible citizens and life-long learners.
Knights show… Kindness Effort Respect Responsibility
The staff at Joseph Kerr Middle School strives to provide a learning environment conducive to academic and social growth where all students feel safe on the campus and in the classroom. Mutual respect for persons and property is demonstrated, tolerance of others’ differences is expected, school and classroom rules are clearly explained and enforced, and class and school activities are free from unnecessary disruptions. To provide this environment, students are expected to know and follow the JKMS Student Behavior Code.
I will:
- Attend all classes every day on time.
- Enter all buildings quietly, in an orderly manner, prepared to learn with necessary materials.
- Be courteous and respectful of others.
- Be respectful of other students’ opportunity to learn.
- Respect school property and the property of others.
- Remain in class until dismissed by the teacher.